Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ivyleaf morningglory (Ipomoia hederacea L. Jacq.) management in enhanced glyphosate-resistant cotton

Mr. John D. Everitt, Dr. J. Wayne Keeling, and Mr. Max A. Bata. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1102 E FM 1294, Lubbock, TX 79403

Field studies were conducted in 2005 and 2006 at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station near Lubbock.  To evaluate glyphosate in enhanced glyphosate-resistant (Roundup Ready Flex) cotton for ivyleaf mornigglory (Ipomoea hederacea L. Jacq.) control.  Glyphosate was evaluated in combination with preemergence (PRE) and postemergence topical (POST) residual herbicides and with cultivation.  Treatments consisted of glyphosate at two rates (0.84 and 1.25 kg ae/ha) alone or tank mixed with pyrithiobac (0.04 kg ai/ha), following prometryn (1.3 kg ai/ha) PRE, or combined with cultivation.

Ivyleaf morningglory control increased with glyphosate at 1.25 kg ae/ha compared to a lower rate (0.84 kg ae/ha).  The higher rate of glyphosate controlled ivyleaf morningglory 90% when used alone and up to 98% when used in combination with prometryn and cultivation.  The lower rate of glyphosate alone controlled ivyleaf morningglory 70%, and increased to 86% when used in combination with prometryn and cultivation.  Pyrithibac plus glyphosate POST did not improve control with the high rate of glyphosate, but control did improve when applied with the lower rate compared to the lower rate alone.