Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - 11:45 AM

(Re)-conciliation of genetics and genomics approaches for cotton fiber quality improvement

Dr. Jean-Marc Lacape1, Dr. John Jacobs2, Dr. Danny Llewellyn3, Dr. Yves Al-Ghazi3, Dr. Elizabeth S. Dennis3, Dr. Toni Arioli4, Mr. Ruud Derycker4, Ms. Nelly Forestier-Chiron5, Dr. Marc Giband5, Ms. Janine Jean5, Dr. Christopher Viot1, and Dr. Michel Claverie1. (1) CIRAD, UMR Developpement et Amelioration des Plantes, TA A-96/03, Avenue Agropolis, 34980 Montpellier, Cedex 5, France, (2) Bayer CropScience, BioScience, Technologiepark 38, Gent, B-9052, Belgium, (3) CSIRO Plant Industry, P.O. Box 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia, (4) Bayer BioScience NV, Technologiepark 38, Gent, B-9052, Belgium, (5) CIRAD, UPR Systemes Cotonniers, TA B-10/02, Avenue Agropolis, 34980 Montpellier, Cedex 5, Cedex 5, France

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