Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fine mapping of a fiber length QTL on cotton chromosome 1

Dr. Xinlian Shen1, Dr. Edward L. Lubbers1, Dr. Andrew Paterson2, and Dr. Peng W. Chee1. (1) University of Georgia, 2356 Rainwater Rd., NESPAL, Tifton, GA 31793, (2) Plant Genome Mapping Laboratory, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602

Earlier analysis of a backcross-self mapping population derived from a cross between Gossypium hirsutum cv ‘Tamcot2111’ and Gossypium barbadense ‘Pima S6’ resulted in the identification of a number of QTLs for fiber quality. A significant fiber length QTL was located on the chromosome 1 linked to RFLP markers PGH377 and A1485. Three plants which bear a recombination event in this QTL interval were selected to develop three BC3F3 populations. SSR markers near RFLP markers PGH377 and A1485 on Chromosome 1 were used to detect recombination breakpoints. All populations were genotyped with SSR markers between two breakpoints BNL1350 and JESPR56, resulting in 8 recombinants identified. Composite interval mapping showed that the QTL for fiber length on chromosome 1 explained from 10.8 to 43.1% of phenotypic variation in different populations based on four environments. Further fine mapping indicated this QTL to be located in the 1.5 cM interval flanked by markers BNL2921 and JESPR56.