Researchers have
worked extensively to unravel the sesquiterpenoid biosynthetic
pathways operating in cotton. In addition to that presented herein,
the proposed biosynthesis of gossypol is discussed elsewhere in this
Proceedings (see Stipanovic et al.). Gossypol is biosynthesized by
the free radical coupling of hemigossypol by a peroxidase (Benedict
et al., 2006), and hemigossypol is derived via the cyclization
of E,E-farnesyl diphosphate to give the sesquiterpene
cadinene under the control of the enzyme, -cadinene
synthase (-CS). Rathore and colleagues (Sunilkumar, et al.,
2006) have shown that a RNAi construct of -CS, controlled by
a seed-specific -globulin B gene promoter from cotton,
interfered with expression of the cadinene synthase
gene during seed development. The authors report that the level of
gossypol in seeds of these plants was reduced to as low as 0.1 µg/mg
in a stable and heritable manner, but gossypol and related compounds
that deter insect herbivory were not diminished in the foliage and in
floral parts (discussed in this Proceedings, see Rathore et al.).
This offers the opportunity to produce cottonseed that would be
suitable as a feed for monogastric animals and that would be from a
plant with a full compliment of defensive terpenoids.
An alternative
strategy to produce cottonseed suitable as a feed for non-ruminant
animals requires cottonseed with a preponderance of a specific
non-toxic form of gossypol. Gossypol exists as two enantiomers due to
hindered rotation around the binaphthyl bond. If polarized light is
passed through a solution of each of these forms, the light will be
rotated either to the right (clockwise) or to the left
(counterclockwise). The form that rotates polarized light to the
right is referred to as (+)-gossypol and is said to be the
S-enantiomer, while the form which rotates polarized light to
the left is referred to as (-)-gossypol and is said to be the
R enantiomer (Jaroszewski et al., 1992).
The biological
activity of these enantiomers differs. For example, (-)-gossypol but
not (+)-gossypol shows anti-HIV-1 activity in humans (Lin et al.,
1989, 1993). (-)-Gossypol is also a more effective anti-amoebic agent
(Gonzalez-Garza et al., 1993). Matlin et al. (1985), Lindberg et al.
(1987), Wang et al. (1987), and Wu et al. (1986) showed that
(-)-gossypol, but not (+)-gossypol, has male antifertility activity
and is more toxic to animals. This last observation led to a chicken
feeding study by Bailey et al. (2000) in which they showed that
broiler chickens fed a diet containing 5% of ground, dehulled
cottonseed with a (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratio of 83:17 gained weight
at the same rate as a 100% soybean control diet and a control diet
with 5% ground, dehulled glandless cottonseed. In contrast, broilers
fed a diet containing 5% of a ground, dehulled cottonseed with a (+)-
to (-)-gossypol ratio of 62:38 gained significantly less weight.
Regression analysis also showed that cumulative weight gains of the
chickens decreased ~126 g for each 100 mg increase in (-)-gossypol
consumed, while the cumulative weight gains were not significantly
affected by increased (+)-gossypol consumption. This latter study
indicated that a broiler chicken diet that contained cottonseed with
95% (+)-gossypol would have no detrimental effects on the
Finally, the (+)- to
(-)-gossypol ratio and the total terpenoid in the foliage and roots
of Gossypium hirsutum marie galante accessions that exhibited
high levels of (+)-gossypol in the seed were studied. Neither the
total terpenoids nor (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratios in these tissues
correlated with the (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratio in the seed. Thus,
regulation in these various tissues appears to be under separate
genetic control. Significantly, the gossypol enantiomeric ratio was
found to be reasonably constant in seed. Meredith and collaborators
(Rayburn, et al., 2000) measured the levels of seed gossypol in
comparative tests in a number of commercial G. hirsutum and G.
barbadense cultivars growing at several locations across the U.S.
As expected, since terpenoid synthesis can be activated in a host
stress response, environment significantly affected the total amount
of gossypol present within a specific cultivar. However, the ratio of
(+)- to (-)-gossypol remained constant within each cultivar.
In summary, these
data indicate that animal toxicity of gossypol is due to the
(-)-enantiomer, while insect and pathogen resistance is not affected
by the (+)- and (-)-gossypol ratio. Therefore, plants exhibiting a
high (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratio in the seed will retain their natural
defense capability while producing seeds that can be fed to
non-ruminant animals. A traditional breeding program utilizing G.
hirsutum marie galante could achieve the goal of high
(+)-gossypol seed. An alternative approach could utilize genetic
engineering to regulate and express the protein that controls the
(+)- to (-)-ratio. We will discuss progress in the traditional
breeding program first.
Breeding for high
(+)-gossypol seed – Although several wild cotton species
exhibit the high (+)-gossypol seed trait (Stipanovic et al., 2005),
G. hirsutum marie galante appeared to be the most amenable
even though it would be necessary to remove its photoperiodicity
trait and the trait that delays bloom and boll set until the second
year after planting.
Moco cottons that
contain 87% to 97% (+)-gossypol were selected and crossed with the
commercial cultivar ‘Tamcot CAMD E’ (G. hirsutum)
(Bell et al., 2000). The percentages of the (+)-enantiomer in F1
plants from 19 crosses ranged from 66% to 86%. In each cross, the
ratio was intermediate between the two parents, a characteristic
associated with incomplete dominance or quantitative inheritance with
additive effects. Eight F1 hybrids were selected for a backcross
genetic study to elaborate the genetic basis of high (+)-gossypol
using Tamcot CAMD E as the recurrent parent.
Flower petals and
seed were analyzed in the BC1F1, BC2F1,
BC3F1, BC3S1 and BC3S2
generations. Elevated (+)-gossypol concentrations were due to two
major genes designated G1+ and G2+.
The gene G2+ was dominant and expressed mostly in
flower petals, whereas G1+ was mostly recessive and
expressed equally in flower petals and seed. Plants with homozygous
G1+ contained about 90% (+) gossypol in seed.
Adding G2+ in the homozygous condition further
increased the percentage to about 95%. Four homozygous stocks (BC3S2)
with 93-95% (+) gossypol in seed have been developed.
Additionally, the
ratio of (+)- and (-)-gossypol remained constant for a particular
plant regardless of boll location on the plant or whether the seed
came from bolls that were produced early or late in the season.
cottonseed with a high (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratio – Before
discussing the alternative genetic engineering approach, it is
essential to have some background knowledge of the biosynthesis of
gossypol. Early steps in its biosynthesis are discussed elsewhere in
this Proceedings (see Stipanovic et al.). H Alternatively,
a “dirigent” protein may be involved. In a variety of
plant species, E-coniferyl alcohol is dimerized by a free
radical mechanism that exhibits both regio- and stereospecificity
giving either (+)- or (-)-pinoresinol. Lewis’ group (Davin et
al., 1997) has elegantly demonstrated the intervention of what they
call a dirigent protein. The dirigent protein, which was isolated
from Forsythia suspensa, by itself has no catalytic activity.
However, when the dirigent protein is combined with E-coniferyl
alcohol and laccase (previously isolated from F. intermedia)
only (+)-pinoresinol is formed. If the dirigent protein is missing
from this reaction, a mixture of racemic products is formed. Boiling
deactivates the protein (Hall and Lewis, 2002). Davin and Lewis
(2000) proposed that the dirigent protein captures the E-coniferyl
alcohol-derived free radical and directs stereoselective coupling.
The native protein was shown to have a molecular weight of 78 kDa
arising from three presumably identical 26 kDa subunits. Two clones
were identified (psd-Fi1 and psd-Fi2) that code for
nearly identical proteins with a molecular weight of ~18kDa (Gang et
al., 1999). The assumption that glycosylation accounts for the 8 kDa
required to reach the 26 kDa mass of the native subunits was verified
by expressing clone psbFi1 in an insect cell culture system
(Spodoptera frugiperda/baculovirus) that permits glycosylation
(O’Reilly et al., 1992). When psd-Fi1 was introduced
under control of the Autographa californica polyhedrin
promoter, different degrees of glycosylation by S. frugiperda
gave three major glycoproteins in the size range of ~22 kDa to ~26
kDa. Most critically, the heterologously expressed protein showed the
same substrate specificity in the presence of laccase as the native
protein. Furthermore, Gang et al. (1999) used PCR and Southern
blotting to detect homologous DNA sequences in both
gymnosperms and dicotyledonous angiosperms. They concluded
that dirigent proteins involved in the synthesis of lignin are widely
distributed and perhaps ubiquitous throughout vascular plants. More
recently, Davin and Lewis (2000) showed that a different dirigent
protein found in flaxseed produces the corresponding (-)-antipode.
Thus, non-catalytic proteins can steer the regio- and stereospecific
dimerization of free-radical species. We
developed an assay to guide the identification of a protein or enzyme
that controls the sterospecific coupling of hemigossypol (J. Liu
unpublished). The assays utilized hemigossypol as the substrate and
crude flower petal extracts, either alone or supplemented with
laccase or H2O2. In each case, controls
included: 1) with/without fresh petal extract; 2) with/without boiled
petal extract; 3) with/without enzyme; and 4) with/without exogenous
hemigossypol. The assay reaction was extracted with an organic
solvent and the organic layer was reacted with D-alaninol and the
(+)- and (-)-enantiomers of gossypol were qualitatively and
quantitatively analyzed using HPLC (Kim et al., 1996). Our first goal
was to determine if the stereospecificity was controlled by an enzyme
or a dirigent type protein.
Dimerization of
hemigossypol with peroxidase, laccase or ammonium persulfate (a free
radical generating oxidizing reagent) gave a racemic (i.e., 1:1)
mixture of gossypol. In contrast, when hemigossypol is added to a
crude enzyme preparation of Moco flower petals, (+)-gossypol is
preferentially formed. The crude protein preparation must contain
endogenous peroxidase as evidenced by an increase in the synthesis of
gossypol when H2O2 was added. In one experiment
the ratio of (+)- to (-)-gossypol was 81:19. When hemigossypol and
laccase were added to a boiled crude enzyme preparation of Moco
flower petals, racemic gossypol was produced. Gossypol was not
produced when hemigossypol was added to a boiled crude enzyme
preparation of Moco flower petals without laccase. These experiments
show that a protein/enzyme controls the enantiomeric ratio and that
its activity can be monitored in our assay.
further address the question of the involvement of a dirigent type
protein versus an enzyme, additional experiments were conducted. In
these, hemigossypol was added under aerobic conditions to an aliquot
of a crude enzyme preparation or a boiled crude enzyme preparation of
Moco flower petals with and without laccase or H2O2
(Table 1, Experiment 1). The reaction with the crude enzyme
preparation alone gave a 74:26 ratio of (+)- and (-)-gossypol.
However, when the boiled crude enzyme preparation
was used, a racemic mixture was produced. Again, this confirmed that
the crude enzyme preparation contained the protein or enzyme that was
controlling the sterospecific coupling. In the two experiments using
the crude enzyme preparation with either H2O2
or laccase, the % (+)-gossypol remained the same compared to the
crude preparation alone (Table 1, Experiment 1). If a stereospecific
enzyme (i.e., laccase) in the extract was responsible for controlling
the (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratio, the % (+)-gossypol should decrease
when commercial laccase was added because laccase competes for the
same substrate (i.e., hemigossypol) and laccase alone yields racemic
gossypol. Thus, this result does not support the presence of a
stereospecific laccase or peroxidase that leads to stereospecific
coupling. When H2O2 is added, significantly
more total (+)-gossypol was produced indicating that significant
quantities of peroxidase are present in the crude preparation. To
further hone in on the nature of the protein or enzyme that controls
the stereospecific coupling, it was necessary to separate the protein
that controls stereospecificity from endogenous cotton peroxidase in
the crude enzyme preparation.
accomplish this, the crude enzyme preparation was subjected to
chromatography on a CM-Sepharose FF column. The protein concentration
of the individual fractions collected from the column was determined
(Figure 1). Selected fractions were reacted with laccase and the %
(+)-gossypol was determined. Excess (+)-gossypol was produced by
fractions 28 to 34. Fraction 32 was selected for further study
because it showed the highest activity when laccase was added (Table
1, Experiment 2). An aliquot of the original crude enzyme preparation
that also gave approximately 65% (+)-gossypol when laccase was added
was also selected. A concentration of ~10 pmole of gossypol is at the
detection limit of the HPLC system. Thus, values close to 10 pmole
indicate no or very little gossypol formation. In
Experiment 2, when the assay utilizing the crude enzyme preparation
with hemigossypol and H2O2 was compared to the
assay using the purified fraction, over 50 times more total gossypol
was produced in the crude preparation as compared to the purified
fraction. This indicates that the column successfully separated the
protein or enzyme that controls the (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratio from
the endogenous peroxidase that is present in the crude preparation.
Significantly, when hemigossypol was reacted with the crude
preparation, 99 pmole gossypol/reaction/hr was produced, but no
gossypol was produced when hemigossypol was added to Fraction 32.
However, when hemigossypol was reacted with Fraction 32 in the
presence of laccase, 2,912 pmole of gossypol were produced of which
65% was (+)-gossypol. Thus, the protein in Fraction 32 is incapable
of converting hemigossypol into gossypol by itself. However, when an
oxidative enzyme such as laccase was added, it readily produced
significant quantity of gossypol and the (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratio
was almost 2:1. These results are consistent with the presence of a
dirigent type protein, and notably inconsistent with the intervention
of a stereospecific enzyme.
The genetic makeup
of some Moco cottons, whose seed have a (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratios
above 95:5, offer a unique opportunity to provide commercial cotton
plants with a seed suitable for consumption by monogastric animals
but with the normal complement of protective terpenoids in the
foliage. Utilizing this germplasm, we have identified the +G1
gene that has somewhat greater effect on the percent (+)-gossypol in
the seed, and the +G2 gene that has somewhat
greater effect on the percent (+)-gossypol in the flower petals.
Using traditional breeding techniques, we have developed lines that
provide >95% (+)-gossypol in the field. On the enzyme level, we
have demonstrated that a “dirigent like” protein controls
the (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratio in Moco cotton. Identification of this
enzyme and the regulator(s) that control its expression, could
facilitate the generation of high (+)-gossypol seed plants both
through marker assisted-breeding and a genetic engineering approach.
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Table 1. Formation
of (+)- and (-)-gossypol from hemigossypol (HG) under various
Experiment 1 Assay nmole Type Substrate Reactant Extract % (+)-Gossypol (+) Gossypol/hr Oxidase O2 + HG + Crude Enzyme 7 2.2 Peroxidase H2O2 + HG + Crude Enzyme 7 11.4 Dirigent Laccase/ O2 + HG + Crude Enzyme 7 22.3 Control Laccase/ O2 HG + Boiled Crude Enzyme 5 19.6 Experiment 2 Assay pmol Total Gossypol/ Type Substrate Reactant Extract % (+)-Gossypol Reaction/hr Dirigent Laccase/O2 + HG + Crude Enzyme 6 1,550 Peroxidase H2O2 + HG + Crude Enzyme 6 520 Oxidase O2 + HG + Crude Enzyme 6 99 Dirigent Laccase/ O2 + HG + Fraction # 32 6 2,912 Peroxidase H2O2 + HG + Fraction # 32 6 10 Oxidase O2 + HG + Fraction # 32 5 11
ass et al. (1991)
identified a source of high (+)-gossypol seed in some accessions of
the G. hirsutum marie galante, otherwise referred to as Moco
cotton. The suitability of such plants to resist insects and
pathogens is suggested by the results of a number of investigations.
First, studies have shown that plants that lack glands and,
therefore, gossypol and related terpenoids are susceptible to attack
by recognized cotton insect pests as well as by new pests (Lukefahr
et al., 1966; Jenkins et al., 1966). Early laboratory insect feeding
studies (Stipanovic et al., 1977) confirmed the importance of
gossypol and related terpenoids in protecting the cotton from attack
while a more recent Helicoverpa zea
feeding study (Stipanovic et al., 2006) revealed that no significant
differences occur in pupal weight, days-to-pupation and survival of
1st instar larvae fed racemic [i.e., a 1:1 mixture of (+)-
and (-)-gossypol], (+)-gossypol, and (-)-gossypol diets. The effect
of (+)- and (-)-gossypol on the growth (ED50) and survival
(LD100) of the cotton seedling pathogen Rhizoctonia
solani also has been studied with the result that (+)- and
(-)-gossypol were found to be equally toxic to R. solani. In
other fungal toxicity tests, gossypol was established to be
significantly less inhibitory than other terpenoids that also occur
in the roots and stem (Puckhaber et al., 2002). Furthermore,
Yildirim-Aksoy et al. (2004) found (+)-gossypol was a better
bacteriostat than racemic or ( ) gossypol. erein,
the focus will be on the last step, which is the free radical
coupling of hemigossypol by a peroxidase (Benedict et al., 2006).
Free radical coupling reactions are characteristically high energy
reactions in which the reaction product (i.e., gossypol) is formed in
a random fashion. However, this coupling reaction in cotton produces
an excess of one enantiomer in preference to the other. For example,
in some Moco cotton accessions the (+)-gossypol to (-)-gossypol ratio
can be as high as 49:1 (Stipanovic et al., 2005) while in some G.
barbadense accessions the (+)- to (-)-ratio may be the reverse,
i. e., ~2:3 (Percy et al., 1996; Cass et al., 1991). If gossypol is
synthesized in vitro using commercially available peroxidase
or laccase and hemigossypol, the product is a racemic mixture (i.e.,
equal parts of (+)- and (-)-gossypol) (Benedict et al., 2006).
In cotton itself, some additional factor (i.e., a protein or enzyme)
must be involved in controlling the stereochemical outcome of the
reaction. Precedents in the literature point to two prospective
mechanisms to account for the cultivar-specific ratios observed in
example comes from research on Tellima grandiflora.
(S) Tellimagrandin II is synthesized in the leaves of T.
grandiflora by a free radical phenol coupling of
1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl--glucopyranose that is
catalyzed by a laccase (Niemetz and Gross, 2003). A similar type of
laccase or peroxidase could control the dimerization of hemigossypol
in cotton.