Cotton is India’s main cash crop. It contributes to the livelihood of 60 million people and accounts for 30 percent of the country’s agricultural domestic product (Barwale et al., 2004). Total cotton acreage in India is estimated at 9 million hectares, the largest in the world (Gandhi, 2006). About 65 percent of cotton production activities are rainfed and subject to the vagaries of weather. Cotton is grown in nine states, spread over three agroclimatic zones with different planting schedules. Planting usually ends by the first week of June in northern regions (Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan), by mid-August in the central region (Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh), and by the first week of September in parts of the south (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu). A small summer cotton crop in the south (Tamil Nadu) is planted in January and February (FAS, 2006).
While ranking first in cotton planted area, India ranks third in world cotton production behind China and the United States. Indian production levels fluctuate due to the high incidence of crop failure (Gandhi, 2006). Bose (2003) attributed these failures to technical and institutional constraints such as the high cost of pesticides, low-quality seeds, and susceptibility to pest infestation which have continuously plagued cotton production. While there is great heterogeneity in yield distribution across the states, between 100kg/ha in Gujarat and Maharashtra and 430 kg/ha in Punjab and Haryana (Gandhi, 2000), average cotton yields in India are among the lowest in the world. India’s average cotton yield in the 2002/03 marketing year of 300 kg/ha was about half of the world average (FAS, 2006b). Cotton producers in India suffer heavy insect infestations with about 50 percent damage compared to 25 percent for the rest of the world (Gandhi, 2000). Equally important, the cost of pesticides to control pest infestations is also high, both monetarily and in terms of environmental impacts. For instance, 54 percent of the 96,000 metric tons of pesticide produced in India are used in cotton production (Gandhi, 2000). For these reasons, the government has sought production alternatives that improve productivity while decreasing the environmental consequences of agricultural practices. An important development in agricultural production that is meeting both these goals is the adoption of Bt cotton.
In 2002 the government approved the distribution of three varieties of Bt cotton in selected regions. The total number of varieties approved for sale was later increased to fourteen in May and June of 2005 (Landes et al., 2005). The incremental adoption approach was designed to avoid any major harm that transgenic seeds may cause to the overall agricultural sector while studying their economic and production performance at the farm level. Numerous studies were conducted in that regard to evaluate whether it would be worthwhile to expand the use of Bt cotton throughout the country. While some of these studies have touted the benefits of Bt cotton, other studies have raised doubts about the effectiveness of Bt adoption to improve farm income, especially for small producers. For instance, the study by Qaim et al. (2006) concluded that Bt cotton adoption led to significant yield gains, considerable reduction in pesticide use, and increased farm income. These findings were corroborated in a study by Bennett et al. (2006) based on farm level survey data in Maharashtra. Overall average impacts were a 34 percent gain in yield, a 41 percent reduction in chemical cost, a 17 percent increase in total cost, and a 69 percent increase in profit (Raney, 2006). The increase in total cost was due to the higher price of Bt planting seed. While there was some spatial variation in these results, especially in Andhra Pradesh where a 3 percent drop in yield and a 40 percent decrease in profit were observed, by and large the use of Bt cotton has been found beneficial to the Indian cotton sector. Raney (2006) attributed the failures of Bt adoption in Andhra Pradesh to the use of cultivars not suitable to the ecological conditions in that state.
India’s cotton production has been dramatically changed in the last two years and the pace of Bt adoption by producers has accelerated. Average yields have increased from 300 kg/ha in 2002/03 to 473 kg/ha in 2005/06, a 57 percent increase (FAS, 2006b). The government of India has approved 20 new Bt varieties for commercial cultivation and Bt cotton planting in MY 2006/07 is expected to jump nearly threefold, to 4.2 million hectares, accounting for half of the expected cotton area (FAS, 2006a).
Cotton plantings have increased in India due to relatively strong cotton prices and better yields. The production increases have enabled India to become a net exporter of cotton. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, cotton exports from India in marketing year 2005/06 were 4 million 480-pound bales and 4.2 million bales are estimated for 2006/07 (FAS, 2006b). An interesting question becomes whether this is a sustainable trend in light of the increase of Bt cotton adoption in India. Since India leads the world in cotton planted area, sustained yield gains there would likely have important market consequences. If India were able to achieve cotton yields on par with the rest of the world, the global cotton market would be significantly impacted.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the effects of yield changes in Indian cotton production on the U.S. and world cotton markets. To accomplish this we used a partial equilibrium structural econometric model of the world fiber market developed by the Cotton Economics Research Institute at Texas Tech University. This analysis compares a baseline of cotton production estimates to alternative production scenarios. The baseline in this case was that Indian cotton yields continued to exhibit growth increases consistent with those achieved in the last few years. This rate of increase, about 3 percent per year, would result in an increase in cotton yields from .94 bales per acre in 2007/08 to 1.19 bales per acre in 2016/17. An alternative scenario models a more optimistic rate of yield increase in which Indian cotton yields equal the world average by 2016/17. This optimistic scenario would require a rate of increase of about 5 percent per year and average yields would be 1.56 pounds per acre by the end of the period of analysis. Also modeled is a pessimistic scenario in which Indian cotton yields grow at a much slower rate, one consistent with much longer term average growth rates. In this pessimistic scenario, yields increase at about ½ of one percent per year. In the pessimistic case, yields would increase from .93 bales per acre in 2007/08 to .98 bales per acre in 2016/17. Figure 1 compares the baseline to the two alternative scenarios in the context of the last 25 years of cotton yield averages in India.
model includes 24 major cotton importers and exporters: Asia (Greater
China, India, Pakistan, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and other Asia);
Africa (West Africa, Egypt, and Other Africa); North America (Mexico,
United States, and Canada); Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, and
Other Latin America); Oceania (Australia); Middle East (Turkey and
Other Middle East); Former Soviet Union (Uzbekistan, Russia, and
Other FSU); and Europe (European Union-25 and other Western Europe).
A representative country model includes supply, demand, and market
equilibrium for cotton and man-made fibers. Area planted to cotton is
modeled in a two-stage framework. The first stage determines gross
cropping area. The second stage uses economic variables such as
expected net returns to allocate area among cotton and competing
crops. Similarly,
the man-made fiber supply is estimated by modeling capacity and
utilization separately. Cotton demand is
estimated following a two-step process. In the first step, total
textile consumption is estimated and in the second step, allocations
among various fibers such as cotton, wool, and polyester (as a
representative for man-made fibers) are estimated
based on relative prices. The polyester price and cotton
A-index price are endogenous and determined by equalizing world
exports and imports. The U.S.
model, includes supply, demand, and market equilibrium for raw fibers
(cotton and man-made) and textile products (cotton and non-cotton).
The inclusion of textile models enables the estimation of cotton and
man-made fiber mill use with appropriate linkage between the cotton
and textile sectors. On the U.S. supply side, cotton production is
divided into four regions: Delta, Southeast, West, and Southwest
(irrigated and dry land). Regional production is modeled using
separate acreage and yield equations. India planting area and yield
is modeled according to four productive regions as well: South,
Central, North, and Others. Data
used in this study was compiled from various sources including the
Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) for the
historical and projected macro variables (real GDP, exchange rate,
population, and GDP deflator); Production, Supply & Demand (PS&D)
database of the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) for cotton
acreage, yield, production, mill use, ending stocks, and trade; and
the FAO World Fiber Consumption Survey and Fiber Organon for fiber
mill consumption and man-made fiber statistics.
approach used to incorporate changes into the model for simulating
India yield changes was to develop a ten-year baseline
(2007/08-20016/17). For the simulation, yield changes were increased
starting in 2007/08, while the rest of the world was allowed to react
to the resulting price signals. The effects were measured by
comparing supply, demand, and trade indicators before and after the
changes in Indian cotton yields. Simulation
results are reported in Tables 1 through 3 and Figures 2 and 3. Table
1 displays the effects of Indian yield changes on world supply,
demand, trade and price. Table 2 summarizes the effects on the U.S.
cotton sector. Table 3 reports Indian yield effects on the imports
and exports of other major cotton trading nations. In the optimistic
scenario, India’s cotton production would total 35 million
bales in 2016/17, 27 percent above the baseline. In absolute terms,
total production would increase 937 thousand bales in 2007/08 and 7.6
million bales in 2016/17. The change in production would lead to an
increase in India’s cotton exports (see Figure 2). Total
exports would increase from 5.1 million bales in 2007/08 to 13.2
million bales in 2016/17, almost double the baseline. Such gains
would firmly place India as a major world cotton exporter. The
effects of India’s yield gains on world cotton production and
mill use are relatively moderate, about a 4 percent increase in each
by 2016/17. The effects on world cotton exports are somewhat higher,
an 8 percent increase by the end of the baseline. The rise of India
as a major cotton exporter would be at the expense of Brazil (whose
exports are expected to decline by as much as 24 percent in 2016/17),
Australia (with a 7 percent decline), and West Africa (with a 5
percent decline). The U.S. export sector is relatively unaffected
under this scenario. Brazil, Australia, and West Africa are more
sensitive to the change in world price while U.S. producers are less
vulnerable to depressed world prices because of policy provisions of
the U.S. farm program1.
In the optimistic scenario, the cotton world price (A-index) is
expected to be lower than the baseline by 10 percent in 2016/17 at 62
cents per pound compared to 69 cents per pound (see Figure 4). The
increase in total exports is matched with import increases, primarily
from China (up 74 thousand bales in 2007/08 and 3.1 million bales in
2016/17). In the
pessimistic scenario, India cotton exports decreased by 43 thousand
bales in 2007/08 and by 3.5 million bales in 2016/17. The reduced
export volume would lead to an appreciation of the world price by
0.15 percent in 2007/08 and by 5 percent in 2016/17. As a result,
exports for Brazil, Australia, and the West African countries
increased because of these countries sensitivity to world price. The
results indicate that Brazilian exports would increase by 11 percent
in 2016/17, followed by the West African countries at 4 percent, and
Australia by 3 percent. The U.S. is relatively unaffected by the drop
in Indian exports, appreciating by about 1 percent in 2016/17, or
about 193 thousand bales. Summary
and Conclusions This
paper analyzed the effect of Indian cotton yield increases on the
world cotton market. The results show that the impact of these yield
changes vary across countries based on their sensitivity to changes
in the world price. Brazil was found to be the most affected by
India’s rise as a cotton exporter followed by Australia and the
West African countries. If India’s cotton yield reached the
world average by 2016/07, its cotton production would dramatically
increase leading to more Indian cotton exports and a lower world
cotton price. World cotton production increased only slightly as
world exports appreciated indicating export displacements from other
countries, mainly Brazil. Overall indications are that while yield
gains in India affect countries more responsive to world market
fluctuations (such as Brazil, Australia, and the West African
countries), they have a minimal effect on countries with substantial
market protection instruments in place (such as the United States).
However, it appears that changes in India’s cotton yields have
the potential to dramatically impact the world cotton market.
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2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 A-index Baseline 57.93 62.02 64.04 64.46 64.88 65.91 67.27 68.49 68.85 69.47 (cents per pound) Optimistic 55.36 59.11 60.23 60.49 60.60 61.43 61.77 62.03 62.32 62.40 Pessimistic 58.01 64.01 68.27 70.87 70.98 72.02 72.06 72.09 72.47 73.12 Indian Production Baseline 20998.74 21841.61 22818.81 23704.86 24468.66 24907.76 25077.05 25660.9 26476.9 27386.62 (000 bales) Optimistic 21935.76 23068.59 24261.25 25500.39 26749 28012.19 29476.7 31092.43 33003.73 34964.94 Pessimistic 20932.64 21123.27 21337.01 21574.87 21786.49 21930.82 22148.37 22383.47 22720.26 23003.37 Indian Exports Baseline 4601.892 4664.062 5174.046 5450.349 5766.225 5979.479 6040.571 6479.81 6650.272 6778.40 (000 bales) Optimistic 5089.609 5544.444 6240.624 6823.748 7552.668 8472.969 9571.32 10985.57 12146.52 13182.62 Pessimistic 4558.55 4267.55 4238.83 4024.42 3757.61 3635.33 3582.17 3713.02 3594.98 3289.32 World Production Baseline 120925.3 123642.1 125755.6 128005.8 130494.9 132666.2 134338.8 134490.4 137622.5 140444.0 (000 bales) Optimistic 121807.6 124617.5 126770 129171.8 132102.6 135037.3 137726.5 138737.3 142682 146470.5 Pessimistic 120804.5 122900.3 124322.4 126100.1 129141.5 130992.5 132503.4 131871.6 133944.1 135701 Exports Baseline 44631.62 46060.53 47659.87 48570.57 49587.87 50266.9 51225.06 52533.69 54193.87 55268.88 (000 bales) Optimistic 44966.57 46646.75 48168.53 49112.10 50619.29 51896.03 53630.63 55679.17 57814.31 59555.84 Pessimistic 44572.83 45814.91 47214.91 48071.92 48736.41 49159.05 49984.12 51029.58 52408.77 53259.21 Mill use Baseline 122446.4 123916.4 125502.1 127419 129668.9 131982.3 133926 135226.6 137344.5 139547.9 (000 bales) Optimistic 122989.5 124765.4 126316.8 128248 130861.8 133758 136664.9 138880.7 141911.9 145143.3 Pessimistic 122387.6 123544.1 124741.2 126351.5 128247 130254.4 131950.9 132718.1 133981.2 135282.5
Table 2. Effects of Indian Yield on the U.S. Cotton
2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 U.S. Farm Price Baseline 57.93 62.02 64.04 64.46 64.88 65.91 67.27 68.49 68.85 69.47 (cents per pound) Optimistic 55.36 59.11 60.23 60.49 60.60 61.43 61.77 62.03 62.32 62.40 Pessimistic 58.01 64.01 68.27 70.87 70.98 72.02 72.06 72.09 72.47 73.12 U.S. Production Baseline 20998.74 21841.61 22818.81 23704.86 24468.66 24907.76 25077.05 25660.9 26476.9 27386.62 (000 bales) Optimistic 21935.76 23068.59 24261.25 25500.39 26749 28012.19 29476.7 31092.43 33003.73 34964.94 Pessimistic 20932.64 21123.27 21337.01 21574.87 21786.49 21930.82 22148.37 22383.47 22720.26 23003.37 U.S. Exports Baseline 17569.54 18186.13 18394.49 18648.28 18839.83 19037.27 19344.89 19724.16 20229.94 20643.33 (000 bales) Optimistic 17553.24 18162.22 18356.39 18606.11 18786.59 18972.45 19278.68 19651.06 20164.21 20557.60 Pessimistic 17570.77 18192.73 18410.68 18704.18 19159.41 19281.88 19386.22 19811.45 20362.13 20836.76 Government Outlays Baseline 120925.3 123642.1 125755.6 128005.8 130494.9 132666.2 134338.8 134490.4 137622.5 140444.0 ($US million) Optimistic 121807.6 124617.5 126770 129171.8 132102.6 135037.3 137726.5 138737.3 142682 146470.5 Pessimistic 120804.5 122900.3 124322.4 126100.1 129141.5 130992.5 132503.4 131871.6 133944.1 135701 Table
3. Effects of Indian Yield on Major Cotton Exporters and Importers
2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Major Exporters Brazil Baseline 2316.69 2561.70 2867.34 2961.84 3027.79 3054.25 3203.69 3327.63 3767.67 3905.76 (000 bales) Optimistic 2282.87 2499.08 2774.25 2833.22 2863.15 2867.15 2891.43 2937.61 2953.96 2959.34 Pessimistic 2318.32 2581.23 2917.24 3054.21 3168.67 3225.79 3520.87 3643.10 4037.30 4337.18 Australia Baseline 2842.78 2849.45 2960.93 3086.43 3219.34 3351.72 3477.66 3589.83 3691.57 3766.23 (000 bales) Optimistic 2805.98 2809.69 2890.87 2990.55 3092.59 3196.56 3281.13 3352.72 3423.03 3488.41 Pessimistic 2843.94 2874.32 3016.65 3188.57 3353.81 3528.97 3678.75 3797.22 3874.68 3891.91 Western Africa Baseline 3470.54 3476.06 3508.72 3556.13 3599.79 3642.04 3674.70 3697.75 3705.28 3703.35 (000 bales) Optimistic 3452.49 3447.00 3459.41 3490.34 3518.04 3546.96 3560.16 3560.40 3547.03 3518.08 Pessimistic 3471.05 3490.41 3546.36 3627.27 3695.87 3764.39 3809.15 3837.74 3852.39 3859.19 Major Importers China Baseline 21344.86 22711.08 24120.25 24672.23 24956.07 25027.06 25798.80 26784.38 28170.08 29343.85 (000 bales) Optimistic 21418.67 22965.29 24459.41 25147.60 25788.91 26360.54 27638.65 29076.78 31075.72 32457.41 Pessimistic 21304.77 22640.73 23975.45 24629.21 24908.93 24936.36 25774.01 26753.67 28138.37 29306.34 Pakistan Baseline 1808.78 1845.46 1871.93 1832.25 1918.85 2107.79 2206.94 2247.59 2276.36 2101.08 (000 bales) Optimistic 1803.64 1853.90 1878.60 1845.36 1930.19 2130.03 2267.39 2362.98 2451.91 2388.77 Pessimistic 1800.23 1841.95 1868.15 1824.20 1886.59 1991.05 2101.76 2146.18 2252.10 2073.11
F Figure
2. Indian Cotton Exports under Alternative Yield Scenarios Figure
3. A-index under Alternative Indian Cotton Yield Scenarios
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USDA Economic Research Services, CWS-05d-01, June 2005, available at
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1. Effects of Indian Yield Changes on the World Cotton Market
1. Indian Cotton Yields under Alternative Scenarios